Sifu Kirk Woller is the Head Instructor of Combat Shuai Chiao in San Antonio. He has trained for over forty-five years in a number of Chinese Martial disciplines with his primary training being in Shuai Chiao (7th deng / 3rd degree black belt) under Master John S. Wang and other master instructors of the art. Additional training includes concepts from Shaolin Long Fist, Wing Chun, Filipino Stick/Knife Fighting, and BJJ ground controlling techniques. Competing in various tournaments through the years, he placed 3rd in the 1984 National Shuai Chiao Tournament as a light middleweight and has performed in demonstrations in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio. Sifu Woller has trained personally with Grandmaster Chang Tung Sheng in the United States and with Grandmaster Chang’s brother during a competitive goodwill tour in The People’s Republic of China.