Combat Shuai-Chiao DVD: Volume 3


Locks include the following 5 major categories.
1. Musculotendinal submission techniques
2. Dislocation techniques
3. Joint & Bone breaking techniques
4. Pressure point technique
and 5. Suffocation techniques

This is an important aspect of Combat Shuai Chiao training and theory. During ancient times, Shuai Chiao tournaments lacked safety rules, So when opponents met in competition, More sadistic fighters would try to harm their opponents. While modern tournament rules protect fighters from most of these injuries, It is still in the Shuai Chiao students best interests to understand these situations and know how to use these techniques in self defense.

Locks can be used offensively or defensively. This skill not only allow the practitioner to avoid and escape dangerous holds in tournaments, but also allows one to use locks to control an attacker in a street confrontation. As a martial artist knowledge of locking techniques is a must.



Additional information

Weight 0.11 kg
Dimensions 29 × 24 × 0.5 cm


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